Friday, September 14, 2007


Some Alchemy sightings and reviews from around the yo-yo web... The ExtremeSpin forum has reviews for both the 4th generation Silk and well as the CU. The last review contains one of my all-time favourite quotes:

Ok, well first when I received this yo,.....I was kinda disappointed. lol Seriously I looked down into my palm where sat a micro sized yo no bigger than my keychain FH. Thinking to myself $**t I just paid $65 for something this small?!?

I had almost exactly the same thoughts when I first received the first protos, although mine was more along the lines of "What were we thinking??!!".

O, yes, before you ask - we are trying to keep Rob as busy as possible, but he still finds time to do funny mods like this hubstacked Cyclotron. A very creative use of the Alchemy FHZ kits, slightly modified to fit in a slightly modified yo-yo. (And that is slightly modified to Rob, not to the rest of us...)

Update: I thought I'd add the pictures...

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