Tuesday, October 23, 2007

First Nimbus Review

The first Nimbus review is up at TheYo, you can read the impressions here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CU vs. Stikfa

I found this picture on YoYoing.com.

Well, it made me smile.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

CUs & Nimbi are Shipping!

Ok, I'm a bit late in this update having had some trouble posting in the last day or two. But let's not dwell on the past. Both the CU and Nimbi are shipping or have been shipped to retailers. We did the shipping to international customers first (last week), followed by the US-based stores (this week). The following stores will receive their orders shortly and should have some Alchemy products in stock real-soon-now:

A-two-Z (US), Bird In Hand (US), Boing Skilltoys (ZA), Gyroscope (RU), Infinite Illusions (US), LetsHaveFun (UK), Lofty Pursuits (US), Spingear (JP), Wonderful Yo-Yo World (TW), YoBoy (AU) and YoYoNation (US).

11 Retailers, 7 Countries, 5 Continents. Get one, get a couple, you can even build your own 132 gram yo-yo...

(Disclaimer: We don't advocate playing with crazy-insanely-heavy combined yo-yos. It cannot be too good for your wrists, arms or sanity.)