Monday, September 3, 2007

CU Hubstacks the hard(er) way

Well, we all know the Alchemy FHZ hubstack kit fits on the CU, I even posted some pictures before the release. (Some more detailed info over at YoYoNation and TheYo - tip YYJ length axle.) A day or two ago somebody shared their setup on and yo-yo doctor Mo got really interested. The only problem he had was that he didn't have an Alchemy hubstack kit on-hand and couldn't wait.

So he made some himself:

Mo wisely says: Also I would not reccommend trying to make the parts like I did. Some things are just easier to buy; but on short notice; I just wanted to do the mod so ...... Well, if you have the time, want it now, have the skills and abilities, and it can turn out like one of Mo's creations, why not? For the rest of us, the FHZ hubstack kit does quite well.

Update: Mo posted some more close-up pictures over here.

Update 2 & 3: Added links to YoYoNation and TheYo threads on using the standard Alchemy FHZ hubstack kit.

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