Saturday, September 1, 2007

Double-barrel fun

At the time of small-gapped bearing yo-yos, Doctor Popular created the beefcake mod - putting two yo-yo bearings into a narrow-gapped yo-yo, making the gap much-wider than originally intended by the manufacturer. Well, it seems like the sands of time has blow over this one, but recently the idea has started to make a comeback. It is not that we don't have enough wide-gapped yo-yos available, rather that players always want that extra bit of space. (And there are benefits to having a little groove for your string right in the center of the bearing...)

To make things a bit simpler for those large-bearing fanatics, Alchemy has released a fun upgrade for C-size bearing yo-yos:

Packaged as two bearings in all of their de-shielded goodness, the kit results in a bearing 0.250" wide, or 1/3 wider than a normal size-C. If you want to get a couple, head over to Infinite Illusions.

Seems like we produce more after-market stuff for other yo-yos than for our own. Well, this statement is not true (since we concentrate on both the yo-yo and parts markets), but for this post you may think it is. Why? Since we have even more upgrade stuff available.

Also released this week are some really thin diameter Vapor O-stickers, cut to fit either an 888 or into the o-ring groove of a YYJ yo-yo. Much thicker than normal pads, these result in flush silicone response when installed - no mess, no fuss, no more silicone rings falling out. Once again Infinite Illusions has them in stock right now.

1 comment:

Doc Pop said...

Can't wait to try 'em in a Bolt.