Friday, August 10, 2007

CU Around

There has been a couple of CU info and review threads popping up all over the place before and since Worlds. In case you missed it, here is a summary of the more interesting ones:

An I need one now thread popped-up at YoYoNation just before Worlds. There are a couple of pictures in this otherwise long thread, and goes from the days before release until some lucky souls were able to pick up some at A-two-Z and Bird In Hand. My take? Out of the box it can do a 7 minute 15 second sleeper. I won't try and replicate that feat.

So some people got them and they immediately started posting some reviews, including this one featuring comparison photos of the CU next to a Duncan FHZ and YoYoFactory 888 (and in the palm of a hand!) and this review with a counterweight and next to an Anti-Yo Busine$$.

The first review was also reposted at TheYo, and we learned that the CU can also be used as a footbag, hubstack catches (utilizing the Alchemy FHZ hubstack kit) from 40ft up and some off-string. After hitting some walls, ceilings, and all kinds of other unimagined horrors, it came out unscathed. Don't try this at home folks - even stainless steel is not indestructible.

After all this CU madness, honorable mention goes to the Nimbus. It was mentioned in the review thread at TheYo as well as over at If you were (and even if you weren't) able to give it a test-drive at Worlds, we will have the first production run available really-soon-now.

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